

So, Where are you suppose to meet nice guys? I mean seriously i dont want a "fag" who is just a slutty lushy but i want a real guy. I just dont know anymore. All the guys in this town are morons. I know there are good ones out there that do not go to clubs or bars or anywhere "normal". But then if that is the case, where do you meet them. Randomly at Target or a non starbucks coffee house? I know my prospects are somewhat diminished by living in Nobletucky with the fucking soccer moms and people who are worried about where you park but seriously where? I am looking for help here. I am sick of being single and i am ready for something now. I know this. I dont want cheater but then i want that relationship back. Does that make sense? I have forgiven him for what he did but i will not forget and i need to move on before i can think about him. He is going to be out of the state for at least a year so that is really good for me because it gives me time. In a year who knows but i dont think it will lead me to him. There are people that i like but they are taken or cant seem to take the step of dating yet. Long story, really dont want to talk about that. I want to meet a nice, normal guy who has friends that arent all gay, that doesnt define himself by being gay and has a decent life and by that i mean, a good job, a little money (not tons, dont want a sugar daddy, just want him to support himself) and is happy with his life and most importantly with himself. I just dont want to be single anymore but i dont want to date someone because they are there. I want a real friend and boyfriend. Any suggestions? I dont want to meet him at the club because other than Burt and Erney I dont believe that actually works.


You may not like this one, just a warning

So, i apoligize that this post is kinda deep and darker than most. I also apoligize if you disagree with me on what I say but i am trying to figure this out and i hope typing it out will help.

So I started my Political Theory class last night, (woohoo). We were talking about emperical (Factual) and Normative (value based) statements. We came to one and then discussed it and i began to think about it and how i feel about the issue. The statement was "Abortion is murder". The problem we were having with the class was that it could be considered emperical or normative depending on how the person views the issue. One person may say it is value based while the other person truly believes the abortion is murder and therefore it is emperical because emperical can be fact based questions even if they are false. I hope that makes sense.

Well, I began to think about what i think about abortion and is it murder or not. Personally, I believe that I have no right to tell Stephanie is Wyoming that she HAS to have the baby she is pregnant with. I would never choose abortion or want someone to choose it but it is not my body or my emotions. I understand people that are adamently against it and i respect that opinion because i do believe that adoption is soo much a better option especially now when you can pick a family that will send pictures, or allow you to know and have visitation with the child. I believe in Safe, Legal and Extremely Rare.

But when do those cells growing in the womb become a baby and when do they become "alive". I find it hard to believe that at the moment of conception there is a concious thought in the two cells that are formed but if not then, then when. I dont believe that it is when the baby comes out of its mother because there is evidence that their is brain function before that. I personally believe the partial birth abortion is murder because waiting until the baby is ready to be born and then deciding that you dont want it, is just wrong. Abortion is meant, i guess, to keep you from going through the pregnancy and if you have gone through it then what is the problem, call an adoption agency. I have heard the argument that when the child is able to live on its own outside its mother then it is "alive" and i guess i would have to agree with that because it seems the most logical although this is not a logic issue. I think that a decision should be made within the first trimester and after that there is no choice except in rare circumstances that the mother is ill, the child will only live in extreme pain for a short time or has already died, but not just because the mother changes her mind.

I believe that abortion should be legal for a few reasons. One, they will continue to happen and i would rather it be in a safe, sterile clinic than in an alley with a coat hanger. The second reason is, if you believe the abortion is murder then why do we all exceptions. Why would you say that the mother's life is any more important that the child. If the mothers life is in danger because of the fetus, why is it that we go with her life. Why is it ok when the woman is raped? I understand the emtional problems that the mother will go through and have a huge amount of respect for women who are raped and raise the resulting child but again we are putting her life about the childs. If abortion is murder then abortion is murder and all abortions should be thrown out.

Well I think that helped me figure out what i feel about this. I know some of you will probably talk to me about it and that is fine because i obvoiusly dont know waht i compoeltly think and talking about it may help.


Long time no blog

So, Ok I know it has been a long time since I blogged but my life has been crazy lately.

I wrecked my car and then had a new one within seven days. I really like my new car. It is smaller than I am used to but i hope it is good on gas mileage and will last a while. It is a 1997 Saturn with only 54000 miles, that is crazy, 6000 miles a year, i put 30000 on my old car in just under three years. I got a good deal although the dealer guys needed to get together and decide how we has to pay because at first they said that mom had to be there and then she did not since she was putting on her credit card so she stayed at work and i went in at 2 to pick it up and the guy was like, when does your mom get here. I said she wasnt and he said she had to be. I told him he had to call and tell her and deal with her when she got here because i wasnt going to do it. He then agreed to fax it to her which was probably better for all involved because she would have been pissed. Well i finally got to drive the car away, and they clapped for me. That was amusing. I like my little saturn.

So I have been told I need to post an update on the plants that i blogged able earlier. I will post pictures later tonight so check back. They are doing pretty well, the grass finally came in, super thick although Leo needs to keep oscar off it since he is still killing the grass. I am going to reseed tommorrow so i will then have to keep him off of it.

I am sooo over dealing with cell phone companies. Verizon sent my mom a bill for an account that we never had although the girl i talked to was super nice and took care of it. I went to sprint to buy a new phone and you know how you walk into some stores and the associate is just a little wierd. well i went into the sprint store at Clay Terrace and that is what happened well they did not have the phone I wanted so we needed to go to another store, he told us the intersection where it was, we saw it. it said sprint, and had that stupid yellow symbol they have now. We went in and there was one older woman working and she was helping someone else. it took her twenty minutes and was still helping him. IN that time we figured out we were at the wrong store so we went in search of the third store. literally it was across the street. At this point, i was over it and wanted my phone. that is when Joanie came into my life. I told her what i wanted she asked about accessories, i said no. She asked for the account information and ten minutes later, I had my new phone. I love her, that is the best customer service I have had at any cell store this year. she did exactly what i wanted and nothing more. she even did it right. I LOVE HER and i told her that. LOL

I think that is it for now, i will post some pictures later if anyone cares


I am so ashamed, i went to Wal-Mart, TWICE!

Ok, So this is going to be a rambling blog about things that arent long enough to be a whole blog or would be really boring as a whole blog so they get all clumped together.

So, Grace is such a HAG, i dont mean that she is ugly but she found the only gay couple in Noblesville and became friends with them. (I know, I know he said hi to you but then you walked over and started having an hour long conversation with them.) Well they are going to be called Joe and Larry because of, of course Will and Grace. Well Grace somehow gets herself invited into their house to snoop. She falls in love with this fan, from Wal-Mart of all places. We will come back to that in a minute. Well we have a nice conversation with them and they are super nice. Larry had a daughter and is amusing about it because she developing umm boobs and he is not at all happy. We are going to keep in contact with them adn have decided we want to move to that block becasue they are very nice although i really only think it is Mary Kay that is a bitch on our block, everyone else seems super nice. Oh yea Grace went talked to Mary Kay last night about the whole police thing. We decided just to act like we did not know who called and say if you have any problems, just come over. She of course did not fess up to being the one who called. Oh well it is over and we won. She can just get over it.

So back to the fan, while Grace was snooping she saw a ceiling fan that she loved but it was of course at Wal-mart where we do not shop because of their employee treatment. Well At first i was saying no, dont buy it but really she was not finding fans that she liked anywhere else and if you can only find it there then i think it is ok but if i can buy it at target, meijer or anywhere else, i will even if i have to pay more. Well we went there last night and ended up buying 3 fans for the house. She only spent $116 on three fans, which is not bad. We could have bought similar fans at meijer for 80-90 each. I am torn because ifeel like we should buy them there but they are not exactly the same thing and we already own them. I am oging to go home tonight and see if i can put them up so we have air flow in the house.

So, I am very happy because i have a lunch buddy at work. Maria, (not a real name,although her real name sounds more like a nickname) is from sallie mae and not works at the hospital. She and i have lunch like once a week which is nice. its nice ot have somoene to talk to because i basically sit in my offce and do nothing. We usually go over to the hotel but it is fun.

Well I know there are other things i forgetting aobut. I woudl tell you about going to Homearoma yesterday butit would probably be pretty boring so i wont do that to ya.


Bush is stupid

Ok, So this is just funny and it is basically a blog entry in and of itself.


Plantin Season (Yes, I know there is suppose to be a G but i am trying to be country)

Ok, so the front of our house is very boring. Its a cookie cutter house with bad landscaping. It is what came with the house. Grace wanted Gerber Daisies but at this juncture, they are are too expensive to get the right look and we waited to long to put bulbs in the ground. Well i decided, and grace concurred when i told her she did, to get one of those shakers with a bunch of different seeds in it. it was 5.46 at Home Depot. I honestly thought we would have one maybe two flowers out of the whole bunch. I did not have high hopes, especially since every plant in this house that I brought with me have died. (Its graces fault and therefore is not allowed, unsupervised to even look at my flowers, i am serious, if i find out she looked at them or even thought about it, there will be hell to pay. I dont care that the house is in her name, the flowers are in mine and they will survive). Anyhoo i put the shaker out and thought it would be a couple of weeks before anything would really start. Well they have already. its thursday and things are starting to grow, just look at the pictures. The first one is of the entire bed. The fire bushes were there origianally but i figured it would look wierd with nothing so i left them so if nothing grew we wouldnt be the laughing stock of the neighborhood and our neighbors wouldnt hate us, well more than mary kay does, btw there is a picture of the situation now, so take a look. The second and third picture show the little plants coming up. I am rather impressed with it, especially if that many really come up. We will see. The thirs picture might be harder to see but you can kinda see all the little plants. So i will tell you about my other growing project. So Oscar, the dog, had toxic urine. he killed a large plot of our sod. Well i decided to dig it up and plant grass seed so that he will have all grass out there and it wont look wierd. Well it is not going quite as well. I am hoping they are still working on it because if they dont grow i will be mad, although it will be graces fault for looking at it or something. Well i have also included a picture of what we are calling the mud hole.



Ok, Well I figured i would blog about this STUPID incident that happened. Ok everyone knows i now live in the burbs. I mean the BURBS. Me, Oscar, the Cats and soccer moms. I usually dont have a problem with the soccer moms but the more i am out there, the more i dislike them, although definatly not all. Well our neighborhood is quite interesting. There really is a mix of people in the neighborhood. We have a young couple with two yound, adorable children next door, a retired couple on the other side and dating couples across the street. Well the family that lives directly across the street is something else. We are going to call the woman over there Mary Kay, because well she sells Mary Kay. Well it has been a joke for the last month or so that she did not like me because of where i parked, which is in front of her house. I really meant it as a joke and i think Grace did as well. Well I park across the street from our house because if i park in front of the house, we wont get our mail. Since her box is with ours, you would think she would be happy about that. I am sitting watching TV Monday and i see this big black truck pull up and park in front of our house with flashers on. He goes up to the house next door to Mary Kay, I was calling the woman Hag but i dont like that now, so we will call her, Betty. Well he talks to betty for a few minutes and then she leads him to mary Kay's side door. They talk for a while. In this time Grace comes home and is obviously trying to figure out what is going on. She ends up talking to the neighbors on either side of us. Well when the police man comes over he tells me i have to turn my car around because it is parked in an incorrect fashion. I told him that it was fine. he explained that i could park on the street 24/7 becuase it was a public street. So We explain to him that we can not park in front of our house because then we wont get our mail and i can not park in the back because Grace and Leo park back there. Take a look at the picture. Does that seem like a big deal to anyone, ANYONE!?! He said that is fine and basicall ythere is nothing she can do. Well Ic ome home the next dag and hag is standing outside her house. She comes up and asks to talk to me. She says that she did not call the police and gestures that Mary Kay did. She said she would have just come over and asked me to move if it really was a problem. I tod her, that if it ever was a problem to let us know. So basically Mary Kay was trying to get my car towed. I also find it very interesting that the next morning my tired magically had a screw in it. A little to conincidental dont you think? I can not prove and would not accuse her but just odd. I am still parking in front of her house beucase there is nothing that the bitch can do about it. I think Grace and I are going to go talk to her on sunday to see what the problem was. To me, it just really is not that big of deal. Who cares that a car is in front of your house. people are being killed every day in Iraq, our schools systems are crublinging because of lack of funding, healthcare costs are skyrocketing and THIS is what we and the cops are spending our time on. If you feel that it is a big deal please let me know because i just do not get it.