

Well, after much debate and thought, i have come to a very difficult decision. This blog post will be my last on this website. I have decided that i will move my blog to my MySpace profile. I am trying to narrow the profiles i have online. Myspace offers me opportunities and features that blogger does not. I feel that my loyal reader will be able to fully get my personality based on my profile. I will be moving over the nicknames and such. I feel that myspace can be a good way to meet people and stay connected with friends of the past. I also feel like if we do not support sites like myspace, then it and its parent company, NewsCorp, may fail and lead to the downfall of western society. For the sake of society, i must now move my blog over to myspace.

Oh yea, also, Blogger is a pain in the butt sometimes and i would post more but it takes forever sometimes.

The link to my new blog is




Men are FREAKS! That is all I am saying. Who asks you for sex in a dirty disgusting bathroom at CAV. I mean come on. What do I look like? (Ok dont answer that, it was rhetorical) People seriously need help.

Great Neighbors

Ok, So everyone is firmiliar with my neighbors and how nice some of them are. Well I have a story to top others of how good some of them are. From the prior story, for those of you who constantly check my blog for new posts and get mad when there is nothing new on here, mary Kay across the streets next door neighbor who i thought might have called the police on me but then came up and said she didnt and was very ncie about it, has kind of become our best friend in the neighborhood because well she is actually normal, unlike some people. We are going to call her Smutty because she is a self describe smutty romance novel addict. Well anyway, Grace decided that she needed shelves in the office (I didnt know what i thought but we had decided a while back to put those rails up and have moveable shelves becuase they were much more functional) and so off to te homo depot we go. Me, grace and Leo (seriously, I want another name for him but a lack of creativity and effort has stalled the option) go off in grace's 97 Honda Accord, Not thinking that we are about to buy long things. We are at homo Depot and were find the shelves, argue about how to install them and figure out exactly what we are going to do. we give Leo a dirty look when he talks about cutting the shelves down because lets me honest, it would have been an ordeal. He would take time, Grace and I would get frustrated and we would all not be speaking by the end of the evening. but anyway, we go to pay, it was a little more expensive than we thought but really nto bad for what we got. We start walking out to the car and grace says "How are we going to fit all fo this in the car" Of course her car doesnt have the 60/40 split which would be functional and the fit hasnt been purchased yet. There is a debate about who will be waiting behind while the other two went home. Leo and I discuss it but i think both of us are leary that the other two really wont come back. (You know it is an option that we would forget LOL) Well we end up folding the seat down and Grace sits on it with the wood for the ride home.Well we get home and as we are pulling into driveway, their is a ton of water. Well before we left, Leo had said that I lef thte hose on because their was water in the side yard and that he had to turn it all the way off. Well I thought it was odd because it had been forever since i watered the yard but hey, shit happens. Well, when we get back, water is everywhere, we have a lake for a side yard because he turned it all the way on, (it leaks if you dont turn it all the way off, its an annoying piece of shit) the best part about this story is the line he in all seriousness tells Grace. "somoene came back over and turned it back on" he said it bery seriousl and of course i have been making fun it for like the entire week, like i would expect him to if i had said it. I still dont think the side yard is completly dry. I promise i will get to the great neighbor story but you have to know the whole day. Well we start to put up the shelves, after we take care of finishing some other stuff, like fixing curtin rods an dputting up a towel bar. well we start to put them up and i say, i want Ice Cream because well, I ALWAYS want Ice Cream, I have a huge sweet tooth, I wont try to deny it. MMMMMmmmmmm Ice Cream, I should go get some, BRB..... Ok so anyway, grace looks at me and say she is going to go ask smutty. I thought she would laugh at us and say no. Well Grace comes back and i was all prepared for her to say no and yet she said YES. She went and got us Ice Cream from Marsh. How awesome is that. We didnt have to do anything for her. Well ok, we offered to make her a martini but that is nothing. That is so cool. No other neighbor went and got us ice cream. ok, that seems like a huge letdown after all the other stuff. Oh well, its my blog, kiss my A$$


Work Work Work

Well, I went home to the 'rents for about a week. I told them that I would do a lot of work. When the folks bought their house it was a very dark hunter green, inside and out. Green siding, carpeting, painting. everything! Seriously, i like green but this was overkill. Well they got four lots with it and most were severly overgrown. There were a ton of bushes that were overgrown and everywhere. Well over the time, my parents and grandparents had cut them down to clear the grouds. There were three left a few years ago until just one was left in front of the fireplace. It had not become severly overgrown, becoming taller to than the house. My mom hated it so I told her that she could not see out the front door. Well as you can see in the first picture how the bush was way too big for the house. Then you can see how the bush came down over the next few hours. Once it was gone, I powerwashed the house and you can really tell on the fireplace, which had like 18 yearrs of gunk on the siddes. You can also see on the steps, they are a sort of tan color, with a little bit of green moss, EWWWW. Well i washed those and then turned back to their older color of red. it was pretty wierd becuase they were fire engine red at one point, why? i dont get it. The first picture down here is what i built, Isnt it nice. You are a little impressed that i did that 57 bricks, weighing 25lbs each. Yes i hauled them and moved them. How manly. I even had dirt under my nails, hehe. The second picture if of the steps which were gross and then of the first paint color. Yes i said first. There were three in all. YES

THREE! I went to Menard, which is NOT Home Depot (I love the Depot, I hate Menards and especially LOWES). Well they said i had to pick from 16 colors and thats it, and this was the best. I was to ammused, well i thought it would be ok and Mom swore she would like it, of course she didnt. Well we went back to Menards and the guy tells me, that i could get it any color i wanted. I WAS PISSED. I wasted 25 bucks because we got the color I had origianally wanted. (Which is in the third picture down here.) The last picture, seriously, the last is the final paint color. Well the last picture i have of it, it is a darker red now. but it looks so much better. it will be better when their is dirt and plants in it. Even though they will be primarily green.


What makes you SO special?

Ok, So I have a HUGE complaint about people. Who do certain people think that they are so special that rules dont apply to them. There is a no smoking ban on campus now. Fine, I dont neccessarily agree with it, i think that there should be a place for people to smoke if they choose. I dont want to have to breath it in if I dont want to. People shouldnt be able to walk and smoke because then if i am right behind them, i have no choice but to follow them. If they smoke outside the doors then i have to walk through it. I personally think that there should be areas designated for smoking. They should be clearly marked and if i walk through them, then that is my own fault. So what makes these people who walk on campus they are special enough to make me breath in their smoke. yes i have smoked a few times beucase i would prefer not to breath it in all the time.

This is followed by the people who park in two spots because they dont want to more. Or the ones who park right up in front of the door at the grocecy store so they dont have to walk that far. Granted, what theya re getting might be important to them but what i am getting is important to me and i should get to do that too. When did politness die? Why do people feel like they are allowed to be bitches and not get confronted on it. If i am rude or do something wrong, fine, i did it and i will admit my mistake or agrue that i am right (usually the later becuase i HATE admitting i am wrong, Shut up Grace, you are the same way, so dont type it in the comment line). Mary Kay doesnt feel like she should apoligize to me for her pettyness and why not? She made a mistake, and an ass of herself. Talk to people. If you have a problem then find a solution. You are not so special in my work that you deserve special treatment. If you thitnk that, then i feel sorry for you because you dont get it. I just want to ask people that. What makes you so special?


Ten reasons

10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage is Wrong

01) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.

02) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.

03) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.

04) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.

05) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britany Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.

06) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.

07) Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.

08) Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.

09) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.

10) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.

Something that I’ve never said...

Something that I’ve never said
A story that I’ve never shared
I was only twenty years old
He was a love affair
Soon became a humble home
Wrecked with animosity
Took it to the bottle
Then turned around and took it out on me
And I was just a boy
A scrawny little boy
A naïve, faggot little boy
Too confused by love to leave
Too abused by you to see that you were

Maniacal, certifiable
It’s comical when I’m looking back I see
You made a man outta me

Life has been so good to me
Taught me things about the soul
If pain is just an error in thought
Then I’m in full control
Glad I started long ago
Learning in the hardest way
Cause now I know my power
And that bullshit would never fly today
And I was just a boy
A sheltered little boy
I let you own that little boy
Might have been too young to see
But look what you made of me cause you were

Maniacal, certifiable
It’s comical when I’m looking back I see
You made a man outta me

And I was just a boy
Misguided little boy
I let you use that little boy
Might have been too young to see
But look what you made of me cause you were

Maniacal, Certifiable
It’s comical when I’m looking back I see
You made a man outta me

"Man outta me" by Levi Kreis



So this is going to be a wierd semester in school. FIrst of all, for the last two years, I have basically been in ONE building for all my classes, now, i am in four buildings throughout the week. One is the completly new IT building on campus which is very nice but wierd to be in. It is also a shlep from food which is super annoying. For work I am in two different building which was fine until last night. I mean OH MY GOD!. Dynasty if you are reading this, you might not like this, but education people are WIERD, Esppecially the people in the masters and doctorette programs. there was a couples classes i had to go help the people just thought they were funny and cool and ummm, well NO! I was so over them by leaving the room i wanted to tell them to shut up.

You have to understand the building that i am was in last night, it is BS/ES which means it is two buildings and of course they are REALLY long. You owuld thinking my office is in the middle, Well no. It is at the end of ES and all the problems were at the other end in BS which is fun when you have to jjust go back and fourth, i mean i quit seriously. Well I am helping this asian women in one of the rooms with her MAC laptop. The reason i tell you she is asian is becuase i am not sure of her country of origin, but English is her second language and therefore i can understand her all the well. But she is nice and i am trying to help. There is a girl in her class that is trying to tell me how to do my job. She is a freaking student and has NO idea what she is talking about. I knwo the equipement and i know what to do, leave me alone. I ended up standing in between the student and tacher bucase she was listening to the student. I was about to say, listen to me or i will leave becuase i have other things to do. But after that, the day did seem to calm down a bit but i was still frustrated.

My last other comment is. OMG i am getting old or these freaking freshmen are getting youngers. I mean they look like they are 12, what is that about? I cant deal with that, it is disgusting!


I wish I were a girl

Ok, Confused? That is the truth and there are a few reasons for it. But let me get back to that later.

I first want to quickly go over why I hate gay men and why I am thinking of becoming a nun.

1. There are few guys that are not shallow enough to look past money, appearance and sexual position to be friends. Friends people not fuck buddies or sugar daddies or dare I say boyfriends. I will admit that I look at those but not in my friends. I could care less my friend’s sexual preference.

2. Every guy I have met recently has been weird. How many freaking "massage therapist" are out there. Call yourself cheap hookers and be done with it. If I wanted a massage from a stranger, I would go to The Villa. (Btw, if you haven’t been, Grace took me and seriously, isn’t cheap but is SOOOOOO worth it)

3. Ok this is my personal preference and this is mainly speaking to gay men, as this is who I am ranting about but an "open relationship" isn’t a relationship to me for a few reasons. If you partner doesn’t know, it is cheating. If you sleep with others and basically just live together, then that would be your roommate. If you want to put it that way, Grace and I are in an open relationship. I don’t see an open relationship in the terms gay men us it as a real relationship. It is the guy you fuck regularly while fucking other guys intermittently.

4. Learn to love yourself. The whole problem with gay men and gay male society in general is low self esteem. You spend the first 20 years of more of your life hiding and being ashamed of who you are. Then you spend the next twenty trying to feel adequate to what other gay men trying to live up to expectations are telling you. You don’t have to live by that standard. My corny but so completely true saying, "you have to love yourself before you can truly love someone else". Gay men look for satisfaction in other sexual partners as a way to say, I am hot, sexy, funny, smart successful. Those are not the ways to find happiness. I am sick of being judged by those standards. If I don’t sleep with a bunch of guys, I am weird, if I do, I am a slut. I would rather be weird, thank you very much.

5. Last but not least, I don’t hate gay men, I think I pity them. They give me a bad name. Although I don’t not consider myself a gay man, I am a man who is gay. I am defined by them and their actions. All I want is to find someone, settle down, get fat, because I have met someone, have a couple kids, and slowly grow to hate my husband over the years until my children leave for collage and then fall back in love all over again. It just what all couples go through.

Oh yea, as for wanting to be a girl. I don’t want to lop off the boys. NEVER! I just think girls have better clothing options. Boy’s cloths are boring and I am sick of it. That was really it. Think I was going to say something else