
What makes you SO special?

Ok, So I have a HUGE complaint about people. Who do certain people think that they are so special that rules dont apply to them. There is a no smoking ban on campus now. Fine, I dont neccessarily agree with it, i think that there should be a place for people to smoke if they choose. I dont want to have to breath it in if I dont want to. People shouldnt be able to walk and smoke because then if i am right behind them, i have no choice but to follow them. If they smoke outside the doors then i have to walk through it. I personally think that there should be areas designated for smoking. They should be clearly marked and if i walk through them, then that is my own fault. So what makes these people who walk on campus they are special enough to make me breath in their smoke. yes i have smoked a few times beucase i would prefer not to breath it in all the time.

This is followed by the people who park in two spots because they dont want to more. Or the ones who park right up in front of the door at the grocecy store so they dont have to walk that far. Granted, what theya re getting might be important to them but what i am getting is important to me and i should get to do that too. When did politness die? Why do people feel like they are allowed to be bitches and not get confronted on it. If i am rude or do something wrong, fine, i did it and i will admit my mistake or agrue that i am right (usually the later becuase i HATE admitting i am wrong, Shut up Grace, you are the same way, so dont type it in the comment line). Mary Kay doesnt feel like she should apoligize to me for her pettyness and why not? She made a mistake, and an ass of herself. Talk to people. If you have a problem then find a solution. You are not so special in my work that you deserve special treatment. If you thitnk that, then i feel sorry for you because you dont get it. I just want to ask people that. What makes you so special?

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