
Funny Cats

So I just watched a video that is hilarious. It is about a minute of funny cats doing stupid funny things. I sent it to everybody that would find it funny.

I am watching The new Adventures of Old Christine. It is actually really funny. "I haven’t been with a guy in so long, I get turned on by a sale at Target, if I could get a guy to touch me at Target, I would be golden." That is the great line from the first episode.

Last night was gay night. It was fun. It is always good to hang out with gays that are normal and not always looking for sex. Although it occurred to me last night that a lot of my friends are couples and that sucks. I hate couples when they are cute. I can deal with couples who are annoying. So last night, Markus was at dinner and he seems like a nice guy but it just weird. He talks about the weirdest things sometimes. They were talking about Chinese food and that a restaurant was really good but next to a Wal-Mart. How weird that it was next to Wall-World and would be good. Markus just then said "Well I know one thing that Wal-Mart is good for is oil changes, $20" Ok fine that comment is one thing but its out of place and compared that there is something like there every 5 minutes, it gets annoying. I just don’t know about him. Burt and Ernie are nice to hang out with because they are nice guys. I don’t get to hang out as much because of my classes and when they have dinner now.

Grace came over yesterday before her Kickboxing class, that she probably ended up not going to. Oh well, meds can do that. We hung out and snooped at the house next door. Its not really all the nice for 337000.00. I mean it is probably bigger than Grace's House because it does have a basement but the layout is horrible. Where graces house the kitchen in the back and then the front is the Living room, in this house, there is a SMALL living room up from then a kitchen which is not great and then a small family room. The living room could be set up to be cute but the family room would not fit a couch and a television very well. I just could not justify that much money and nothing really to show for it, but you could go somewhere else, even downtown and spend a lot less and get more.

Well back to Spring Break and must start doing something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. The cat video was FREAKING hilarious.
2. Hi Pot, I'm Kettle, Your black! Cuz you know we don't jump from subject to suject with no logical connection constantly.
3. Thanks for using my name in conjuction with the term "meds." It makes me sound like i'm hopped up on something.