

Well, after much debate and thought, i have come to a very difficult decision. This blog post will be my last on this website. I have decided that i will move my blog to my MySpace profile. I am trying to narrow the profiles i have online. Myspace offers me opportunities and features that blogger does not. I feel that my loyal reader will be able to fully get my personality based on my profile. I will be moving over the nicknames and such. I feel that myspace can be a good way to meet people and stay connected with friends of the past. I also feel like if we do not support sites like myspace, then it and its parent company, NewsCorp, may fail and lead to the downfall of western society. For the sake of society, i must now move my blog over to myspace.

Oh yea, also, Blogger is a pain in the butt sometimes and i would post more but it takes forever sometimes.

The link to my new blog is


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're a WHORE!!!