

Ok, So everyone knows that i am somewhat political. just a little. Well I was listening to some of the new songs from Pink's new album and one of them is call Dear Mr President. It is a really good song. I usually dont love the songs written to the president about his actions because you can not get everything out in 2 or 3 minutes but this is good. I loaded it on my MySpace profile so go take a listen.

Also, there is another song on there, I guess this is going to be a blog about Pink and her new album. There is a song called, Conversations with my 13 year old self. That got me thinking. What would I say to my 13 year old self. I know there is a lot I wish I knew at that age. I would tell myself to calm down, lifes not that big of a deal. It all works out in the end and that rough times are coming but you will survive. I dont know if i would tell myself about mistakes I made because i feel those mistakes made me the person that I am. I would tell myself to accept being gay and move on. The world will not end. Other than that, I would still want things to happen to me as they did because if they did not, i would not be where i am today, with the life and friends i have today.

Ok, My last thing about the album. I think this album is very empowering to women and especially young girls who may look at all the performers out there and get the wrong idea about them. Say what you will about Britney and Christina but I believe that it is mostly an image they try to put out. They could not get that far without being intelligent. Men use themeselves to sell things but that is ok. Some of these girls though do not seem to understand what they are showing to the public. I have a problem with the cameras following people all the time but at the same time, you can not turn off them cameras until you want them. the public wants to know about your life. Girls like Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohen and etc are bad influence because they are not being smart about their image. I dont know I am torn. I believe what Pink says, there is being sexy and that is fine but you can also be smart at the same time. many of my female friends and sexy and smart. They are not oil and water.

Well, I feel like everyone should get this album and listen to it because it is pretty good.

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