
Drama Drama Drama

So I went out to the club last night again. I went down with Burt, Ernie and Forgetfull. Forgetfull was acting wierd last night. Well, he was talking about Dynasty and I dont know what he meant by it. When we got there, there was a pagent going on. We waited for it to finish and went down and looked for a seat. We did not find out so we stood closer to the stage.

Well, Apparently it is a rule that here has to be at least one fat, faghag there in a horrible outfit. The last time I was there there was the girl i meantioned in a earlier post. Well last night there was another. She was a bigger girl, of course and she has a shirt on that was again to tight and showed he fat hanging over her jeans but that was not the worst part, the jeans just were HORRIBLE. They did not fit her well, made her look like she had no butt. But where the butt was, there were cutouts at the top down about half way down. It was just not what i wanted to see. It was so bad, i mean who thinks that would look good, especially on bigger girls. I mean i know i am fat so i dont wear what the twinks do.

So anyone, now that my bitching about that is over. Dynasty was there and so was his ex, Pharmy and Pharmys new THING, and i do mean THING, dipshit. Well Dynasty has been going through a lot of shit with Pharmy and he of course had to be there and they had to rub each others backs and shit. I mean like they are a fucking loving happy couple or something. It was so sweet i wanted to vomit, on them. I really wanted to go over to them and say something to him because I have no respect for him. He has treated Dy like crap recently and he deserves better. I will give it that stupid mistakes were made on both sides when they were together but GET OVER IT. If you can not fogive and move past it then why are you even friends. I mean, everyone has done something to someone and if you can not move past it then you shouldnt be friends. I hold on to shit longer than anyone and i have moved past things in the past and i dont mean with Dy just with anyone. Painterboy and I were going to go slash Pharmy's tires but we didnt, well i didnt, i dont know what happened after i left. I am just mad that Dy has had to go through this shit for no reason. Dy, you know i say this with all the love in the world but you can do SO much better than him. He is just not worth it. I am glad i left because had i stayed I would have gone and told him what i thought and also kicked his little bitches ass. I mean dipshit is just using him and thats sad because as much as i dont like pharmy, he deserves better too. He doesnt deserve Dynasty after this though. There is someone out there that will be so much better. Its just hard to see a friend go through this for no reason. It just seems like Pharmy is fucking with him in some perverse joke or to get back at him or something. Well I am done bitching.

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