

So, I have two main topics today to blog about. the first being. FLIP-FLOPS ARE NOT FORMAL SHOES I just do not understand when people, mainly women, wear them with a very nice outfit. I saw a girl today and was wearing a very cute outfit but then had flipflops and they matched in color so I know she picked them out for that reason. It just kills me that people see those as formal wear, just because they are the same color does not mean you should wear them

The second thing is that, people driving. I had a woman yesterday that I had to merge into her lane before getting on the interstate. She started to honk a lot at me and so i flipped her off. Well then as I was getting over so i got on 70 and not 65, she got over with me and then was on my ass flicking her lights at me. I mean let it go. So she was on my ass in bumper to bumper traffic. I in my infinate wisdom hit my breaks, she did not hit me but still rode my ass. I mean come on, dont be stupid. Plus she was on her cell phone. I just thought what i bitch.

The second stupid person was on campus. I pulled into my parking space and then a few seconds later this guy did. He takes three trys to make his car straight and then when he gets out, hits my car with his door and just walks on. I mean he knew i was there, he could have just mouthed sorry or something. I went and looked at it and he dented it a little bit. I mean i normally would not care but he said nothing. NOTHING.

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