
If you choke a Smurf, What color would it turn?

So I have not blogged in a long time. I am moving in with Grace and her husband, I dont remember his nickname right now. I think it will be interesting. I know it will be better than that the last place with Idiot because he was a freak. If you are roommates with somoene, you are not rude to their mom. Come on. He also would not let me eat my dinner or whatever i made until the kitchen was clean. I mean that is just stupid. The house is also bigger and has a lot less crap in it. I dont htink i will feel like i can not leave my room. The cat being there should be very interesting. Oscar-the-dog will love it but i dont know what Neo-the-cat will think. I think he will adjust over time and be ok. he will stay in my room when i am not there and probably for a the first few days so he gets used to things. I also dont know what i will take there. The stuff i think i need wont fit well in the room. We will have to see. It is going to be a lot cheaper even with having to pay3 months currently to get out of my lease. I will miss living downtown and near burt and ernie, and dynasty but i will be downotown ALL the time.

Fat club is going ok. I won last week but Grace was a sore loser and would not give up so we are double or nothing this week. I dont know if i will do well this week. We will see.

Dynasty is driving my nuts because he keeps putting these status messages up that say like "WOW" or "What a night" and Now he has "Who the fuck is ..." I wont say the name in case my larger group of readers knows who it is. It is kind of annying to read those and not be in the loop. It is probably something, i will hear who it is and not really care but still. He is at work but i texted him so we will see if he replys.

I am really bogged down with school right now. I need to make some serious progress on homework this week and weekend. I am really going to buckle down and get stuff done, as we can see while i writing a pretty long blog entry. I have group projects and i am basically the leader of the group. No one seems to want to do stuff but my grade is not going to be lowered by these people. Some i know will work hard to get a good grade but others dont show up to class and one leaves early every day and so has never talked to us.

I was in my history class yesterday and I realized what they permenant name for Squidgy should be. Feminazi! She likes it and its describes her but with a way over dramitization. I mean she could be considered that but then also she really isnt, I mean she took boriqua's (her husband) name which is a no-no in the "Feminazi" groups. boriqua is a nice guy. He helps me with my computer and puts up with me asking stupid questions.

Well that is all for now. I will leave you with the eternal question. If you choke a Smurf, What color would it turn?


Anonymous said...

YEA!! I get a roomie! Seriously, i'm pretty excited about you moving in. Not so excited about the cat, but i'm hoping that there will be fun Oscar vs Neo battles to watch which will make it all worth it! Plus if the hair becomes a problem, i'm really looking forward to taking him to be shaved. :-) KIDDING! kinda! Anyway, can't wait 'til you move in. I'm sure Oscar will be excited to have a new play mate.

Feminazi? really? Can i still call her Squidgy?

Anonymous said...

My status messages are the closest thing I have to a blog at the moment! I have to have some way to vent about my relationship ISSUES!

You know you had better get M to assist in your moving, that is, unless he forgot your name already! hehe

Love ya's