

So I went out to the gay bar last night. It was fun. Dynasty and PainterBoy were there. PainterBoy brought his hags. They were nice. A little haggy for my taste. I can take a good joke but i mean I dont like the girls that dont seem to understand the whole being gay thing. I know it is a joke but it seems like they are in love. I am just so happy none of my friends that are straight girls act like that. Its ok to be bitter when you see the drag queen has a better body than you, i am bitter about it to. Dont be bitter that all the guys in the bar are hot and gay. YOUR IN A GAY BAR!!!!!! DUH

So there was a girl there last night and she was a hag. She is a bigger girl but the thing that bugged me was that she was wearing a shirt that was to short so her belly, love handles and back fat were hanging out. It was just bad and she did not seem to know or care. She was there with some gays and what gay would let there hag go out like that. I mean none of my girlfriends (god i hate using that term) would go out of the house like that. I dont care if that is the only green thing she would have on St Pats day, it just would not happen. I know all my friends wouldnt want to wear that but to go to a gay bar dressed like that. Its a gay bar we are all super critical and i dont want to see that. Its just not flattering. Dont wear things that are to small for you it just makes you look bigger. If you wear things that fit in all the right places then you are going to look better and feel better. If she is happy looking like that at a gay bar, more power to her but no one i am going out with would look like that. (Grace, see i told you girls go out in BAD clothing to gay bars, i am just so glad you have higher standards than that)


Anonymous said...

That girl was a HOT MESS!!

Anonymous said...

I am now DYNASTY!! YAY ...break out the CRYSTAL!

:) D

Anonymous said...